Posts Tagged: Wilkesboro NC photographers

Meet Copeland Ward ~ a name you may know before too long

Many of us, in the South especially, grew up hearing, “Pretty is as pretty does.” What is on the outside is just the genetic dressing you were given, but your heart and spine, your care for others, your reactions to life’s circumstances, and your interactions with the world are ultimately what determines the manner of man or woman you are. That said, how you look really is the most important thing. It just is.

<SMILING> Just wanted to make sure you were awake.

At Pixels, we’ve created head shots for business men and women, aspiring models or actors who need a portfolio and those who shine among us and want to share that sparkle for any number of reasons or objectives. Who wouldn’t want to help someone accomplish their goals and be a part of capturing the very best sides of themselves on camera? Copeland Ward is just such a candidate. She’s a busy soon-to-be high schooler, active in gymnastics, is a competitive cheerleader and has joined the pageant scene to great success.

Pixels on Paper photographs Copeland Ward's Model Headshots photo

We invited Copeland to the Pixels studios and also coordinated professional hair and make-up for her and even planned the wardrobe. Our goal was to create a look both youthful and classic, but that would also capture Copeland as the vibrant, interesting girl she is.

Pixels on Paper photographs Copeland Ward's Model Headshots photo

Pixels on Paper photographs Copeland Ward's Model Headshots photo

It’s hard to convey everything about a person in a photo or two, but what we can do as photographers is highlight those features that make you want to meet them or know more or both. Copeland’s eyes and especially her smile invite you in and show such warmth and youth and life and hope… at least that’s what we think. She’s a jewel.
A few weeks after we took these pics, she entered the Young Miss Wilkes County pageant and won. SHE WON! She’s now preparing to compete in the Young Miss North Carolina pageant. We’re so happy to have played a part in this journey, no matter where it leads.

Pixels on Paper photographs Copeland Ward's Model Headshots photo

If you’re interested in having Pixels work with you to develop a portfolio by capturing portraits, contact us. We’d love help you!